Egress & Spear Shield
Insider Breach Calculator

Estimate the risk of an email data breach in your organization

How many mailboxes does your organization have?

Please enter a number

What is your industry?

Please select an option

Why are there limited industry options?

As this tool is based on real data, we have limited the choices so that these represent a more accurate model of the likelihood of a data breach.

Your results are based on an organization in the Industry industry with Maiboxes mailboxes. Not the right information?
Click here to try again.


Estimated emails sent per day


Potential email data breaches per month


Potential email data
breaches per year

Potential incidents per year

Your results in more detail

Misdirected emails


Estimated misdirected emails per month

What is this? ?
Spear phishing


Estimated impersonation attacks per month

What is this? ?
Large recipient lists


Estimated large recipient list emails per month

What is this? ?
Misspelled recipients


Estimated misspelled recipient emails per month

What is this? ?

This result is based on anonymized data obtained with permission using Egress Analytics.

Thank you

You'll here from us very soon to set up your Email Risk Assessment

Book your 14-day Risk Optimization Assessment

Todays heightened email security threats have increased the risk to organizations significantly! Whether a sophisticated phishing campaign that results in a ransomware attack, or a misdirected email that causes a major data breach and huge financial and reputational damage.

To understand your risk, run our 14-day assessment to understand:

  • The email attacks targeting your business
  • The effectiveness of your current email security
  • Outbound DLP risk (misdirected emails, malicious exfiltration of data)

Book your assessment today