Egress Software

Ending email errors: What’s new in Egress Threat Protection?

With accidental loss responsible for 22% of data breaches, organizations need a way to reduce this risk if they want to maintain compliance with regulations such as the NY DFS 23 NYCRR 500 or the GDPR, and avoid fines and reputation damage. 

But how do you really know how many potential data breaches and accidental email sends are happening in your organization every day? 

Join Egress as we  present our user-centric, intelligent solution to this problem. Egress Threat Protection not only prevents data breaches caused by end-user error, its Proof of Value trials now enable decision makers to assess how many internal data breaches may have occurred via the accidental send in the past.

The webinar will cover:

  • Helping people send emails to the right recipients while staying productive
  • Confirming email recipients with new “send validation” functionality
  • Setting up a Threat Protection trial to assess how many potential data breaches via human error have occurred within an organisation
  • Using Threat Protection to build a business case for enhancing policies to protect against misaddressed emails

A live demo of the Threat Protection will showcase the value organizations can get from trialing the machine learning solution, as well demonstrate the latest features and functionality, including “send validation.”